Artist Sharing Workshop

Abad’s practice looks at political narratives of empire and impunity, not as isolated accounts, but as intertwined histories, implicating a wide-ranging cast of transnational and transhistorical characters, re-constructing stories that are at once geopolitical and allegorical, and speaking to both painful intimate histories and imminent collective futures. In this sharing session, Abad will present his […]

David Medalla and Signals

Whitelegg’s research focuses on the international circulation of Latin American art and history of relationships between artists and critics within Latin America and between Latin America, Europe and the United States. In 2018, she curated Signals: If you like I shall grow (with kurimanzutto at Thomas Dane, London), the first exhibition to remount original works […]

Undercutting Divisions: On Animism

Exhibitions are threshold spaces, where meaning is inscribed and simultaneously unsettled. Together with numerous collaborators, Anselm Franke has developed long-term research projects, where the liminality of the exhibition as a medium becomes a programmatic tool to investigate and challenge the “modern” role and institutional place of art. In this lecture, he will begin with the […]